Hello again!
In my previous email I've made the case that it pays to take control of how others learn the methods and frameworks you create. If you haven't read it, you might want to take a peek.
Makes sense, right?
But what if you do not have a method?
What if you are an expert, but don't sweat the details of applying your expertise?
To be honest, it could work for a while.
If you're clever and creative, you can probably improvise and ad-lib a lot and most clients would not notice.
Until they do, of course.
And worse, you will notice.
Having inconsistent standards is kryptonite for one's confidence and intellectual self-respect.
So, before we get all Crayola with the workshop stuff, let's focus on your actual method first.
Although one could go super detailed with this, a few focused questions are enough to get clarity.
You will need 10 minutes for this, so if you want to do it later, bookmark this or send it to your task manager.
Keep reading, the link is at the end email
When people go through these questions, one of three things happens:
They get the uncomfortable feeling that there's a lot about their process that they do not really know. Yet.
There's a lot of work ahead, but it is doable.They answer the questions quickly and confidently. It's a great feeling and they go out for a drink. Uncommon - but hey - some people are naturals.
They are discouraged by the gaps in their awareness now made visible. They would rather not face this and will find something else to tinker with in their business.
We've all been there at some point, so let's not be too judgemental.
How was it for you?
Wait, isn't this newsletter all about Workshops?
My real passion truly is the process of converting expertise into products, services and experiences. That's why I keep talking about workshops (there's more stuff, but workshops are a familiar thing).
However, it makes no sense to shout how great workshops are at everything process and Intellectual Property related and not address the fact that before you create a workshop, you need to have at least a recognizable way of working.
This is often a blocker, so it made sense to address it as soon as possible.
👉 Open the free worksheet here.
Coming up next:
I'm going deep on out-of-print books, weird blog posts and scientific papers to bring you a solid foundation on what's behind every winning framework. Stay posted!
Until next time,